How to Survive a Day in the Life As a Busy Freelancer

Freelancing comes with a number of advantages, such as independence and adaptability, but it also takes self-control and the ability to organize one’s time efficiently. As a busy freelancer, you may be working on many projects at the same time, engaging with customers and workers, managing deadlines, and attempting to strike a healthy balance between your professional and personal life. It is essential to discover methods that will assist you in maintaining your productivity, lowering your stress levels, and making the most of the time you have available.

Plan Your Day:

You have a lot of “me time” when you work from home, but that doesn’t mean you should waste it all. Working from home is important not only from a business point of view, but also from a social and mental point of view. When you get home, you might not do things like pay bills, run errands, or do other things around the house that need to be done. Plan your day carefully so that you can figure out how much time you need to work without getting in the way of other people’s lives.

Make a List of Things You Need to Do and Get Up Early:

Before starting work, the first thing to do is make a list of what needs to be done. If you make a list every morning, you’ll know exactly what you need to do. Let’s do it the way we used to. Get out a pen and paper.

Make your workplace more efficient:

To stay focused and organised, you need a place that works well. Start cleaning up your actual workspace and getting rid of anything that doesn’t belong there. This makes it easier to concentrate and get things done. Also, turn off notifications on your device and schedule particular times to check email or social media to cut down on distractions. Try different things to help you concentrate, like noise-cancelling headphones or music in the background.

Watch out for one thing that is going well. Then move on to the next:

Even though we all like to think we’re great at everything, we’re still pleased. When you get to that point, you should focus on the work you are doing and make a plan to finish it. Also, do your best to get it done.

Take Breaks and Take Care of Yourself:

As a busy worker, it might seem counter-intuitive that you need to take breaks in order to keep working. Give yourself small breaks during the day to rest and get your energy back. Physical exercise, like walking or stretching, gets your blood flowing and clears your mind. Also, try mindfulness and relaxation methods, like deep breathing or meditation, to reduce stress and improve your ability to concentrate. Taking care of your body and mind is important if you want to be successful in the long run.

Accept Distractions, but don’t Feel Bad about Putting Them Off:

In fact, we don’t pay attention to much during the day. Customers call us with a wide range of requests. You can’t keep doing what you are doing. What do you do then?

Don’t try to fight it. Stop working on your job and listen to your customer. After all, one of the most important parts of good conversation is being able to listen well. But what’s most important is that you know how to help your people well. You can always put off or change the order of less important things.

Avoid Multitasking:

There are many things a machine can do. You can work, play computer games, watch films, and listen to music. With the rise of the Internet, of course, the computer has also become a way to talk to people through social networking tools. Make sure that social networks, games, etc. are turned off while you’re at work.


There are difficulties that come with being a busy freelancer, but with good time management, organisation, and self-care, you can handle the demands of the freelance life. Set clear goals, put jobs in order of importance, make a good workspace, and talk to your customers well. Don’t forget to give jobs to other people when you need to, take breaks often, and keep an organised schedule. Managing client expectations, staying up-to-date, and always getting better at what you do will help you not only live as a freelancer, but also thrive.


1. How can a busy freelancer handle tough clients?

Freelancing requires handling challenging clients. Professionalism and communication are essential. Resolve issues quickly. To handle problematic clients, set boundaries and expectations. It’s also vital to assess whether the client is a good fit for your organisation and consider terminating the connection if required.

2. How can a busy freelancer boost productivity?

Workflow optimisation boosts productivity. Set daily goals and break things into digestible bits. Create a workplace and use productivity tools or browser extensions to reduce distractions. Prioritise jobs by significance and deadline. For focus and productivity, try the Pomodoro Technique.

3. How can a busy freelancer handle overlapping deadlines?

Prioritise urgent and important jobs to manage overlapping deadlines. Communicate with clients and negotiate acceptable timelines. Outsource or work with other freelancers to achieve numerous deadlines.

4. How can busy freelancers avoid burnout?

Staying healthy requires avoiding burnout. Boundaries, breaks, and self-care. Enjoy non-work activities to maintain your mental and physical wellbeing. Relaxation, exercise, and hobbies can prevent burnout.

5. What tools can assist a busy freelancer manage time?

Time-management tools are available. Track tasks and deadlines with Trello or Asana. Toggl or Harvest can track project time. Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook can also help you organise your schedule.

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